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Nummer: 76
Utgitt: 1982
Sider: 206
Skrevet av: Laurence Swinburne
Synopsis: Laurence Swinburne
Forsideillustrasjon: Derek James
Norsk tittel: Hardyguttene og mysteriet med fotballstjernen
Frank and Joe tackle the mysterious case of the kidnapped quarterback.
En collegefotballstjerne er forfulgt av uhell, men skoledirektøren har mistanke om at noen står bak og engasjerer Hardyguttene i å finne ut av saken.
Men fotballstjernen selv er ikke spesielt interessert i å slippe guttene innpå seg, og det er tydelig at han skjuler noe.
Det gjør ikke saken bedre for spilleren at han blir sett sammen med tvilsomme gamblere, og blir beskyldt av en journalist for å ha latt seg bestikke før en viktig fotballkamp for skolelaget.
Guttene vinner imidlertid spillerens tillit, og gjør alt for å finne ut av hvem som står bak problemene.
Ace was already in his room when the boys reached the dorm. When they knocked, he opened the door a crack and peered out. "Oh, it's you," he said grumpily.
"We just want to talk with you, Ace," Frank said. "What's the harm in that?"
Slowly and reluctantly, the student opened the door. He shut the door quickly behind them.
"Look, I know you're trying to do your job," he said to them, "but really I don't need any guards. President Catello is a great guy, but he's blown some small, unrelated events into a big conspiracy."
"Like the attack tonight?" Joe said skeptically. "That guy was waiting for you. We saw him come out of the bushes and jump you. He wanted to injure you."
Se den norske utgaven for utfyllende persongalleri.


USA, 1982.
Derek James.
Derek James.

UK, 1984.
Dave Godfrey.
Dave Godfrey.

UK, 1984.

USA, 1987.
Mark Skolsky.
Mark Skolsky.

USA, 1990.
Paul Bachem.
Paul Bachem.
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