Nummer: 1 (Undercover Brothers)
Utgitt: 2005
Sider: 176
Skrevet av: Ukjent
Forsidedesign: Lisa Vega
Norsk tittel: Ekstrem fare
Like før ekstremsportstevnet Big Air Games er det noen som legger ut dårlig skjulte trusler mot utøverne på forskjellige nettsider.
Både toppidrettsfolk og tilskuere kan være i faresonen, og ATAK sender inn Hardy-guttene.
De kan blande seg med deltakerne og fange opp informasjon som politiet ikke så lett får tak i. Men hvor farlig er den - eller de - som står bak truslene?
“Thanks, Brian,” said Joe, hopping out and dashing to the porch of our old house. It was clear to everyone that Joe really hated thanking Brian for anything. He just wanted to make a quick escape.
Which left me alone with Belinda in the backseat.
“You take care of yourself, Frank,” she said. “You had a rough day, poor guy.”
Then she gave me a peck on the cheek.
I’m sure my face turned redder than Playback’s tail feathers. “Um … well … thanks, Belinda,” I stammered. “And, ah, thanks for the ride, Brian.”
Before I could embarrass myself any further, I ran up the porch stairs as fast as I could. I followed Joe into the house—and almost crashed right into him.
The entire family was sitting in the dining room, staring at us. Mom, Dad, Aunt Trudy—and they all had strange, surprised looks on their faces.
“Is that a parrot?” Mom asked.
“Parrot! Parrot! Parrot!” Playback responded.
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